All the Nines at Bingo Blowout

All the Nines at Bingo BlowoutBingo Blowout, one of the most popular free bingo sites in the country, is successful for many reasons. Players flock there for the £10 no deposit bonus, the 350% deposit match, plus an outstanding variety of 30, 75, 80, and 90 ball bingo. But one area where Bingo Blowout really excels is in chat games.

These give players the chance to win a free bingo bonus whilst participating in sociable chat games. Hosted by a well-trained chat moderator, these are the ideal opportunity for players to get to know each other too, and to hopefully win bonus points.

Join Bingo Blowout today, play in the 90 ball room, and you may find yourself in the middle of a game called Nineball. This takes place each day between 11 PM and 12 AM GMT, and it really helps to know your nine times table. The rules are simple — just watch out for any number whose digits add up to number nine (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, and 90) and if you are in amongst the first two players to type ‘nineball’, plus the number, you win one bonus point each.

It’s simple, it’s fun, but it’s also deceptively difficult. When you are trying to concentrate on winning a bingo game, plus gossiping with other roomies in the chat room, it can be hard to keep an eye on, which makes it even more fun!

Join Bingo Blowout today to play numerous other exciting games.

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